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Crowd Control | July

  • The Roof at Sundown 3520 Greenville Avenue Dallas, TX, 75206 United States (map)

Crowd Control | July


poster design by Macy Burr


July Theme | Trial by Fire

Join us on the rooftop of Sundown at Granada for Crowd Control's two year anniversary. This month we are super excited to have Secrecies performing as our spotlight artist!

Facebook Event

7:00 - 9:30 | Open Mic
9:30 - 10:00 | Secrecies


SECRECIES is a synth-pop, electronica duo from Dallas, Texas consisting of Shawn Magill and Joey Noga. “Together, their multi-layered chilling harmonies unite over playful pulses, evoking the heartaches and joys of passing youth.” — Idol Records

Earlier Event: June 27
Crowd Control | June
Later Event: August 29
Crowd Control | August