

photo courtesy of Adrian Cardwell

Point of Departure | Aaron Glover

This month on Point of Departure, poet Aaron Glover came into the studio to discuss the specificity of theater language, the Common Language Project, and his work with the Writer's Garret.

Point of Departure | Sebastian Páramo

This month on Point of Departure, poet Sebastian Páramo came into the studio to discuss the birth of the literary journal, The Boiler, the importance of DIY literary communities, and the influence Mexican culture has had on his writing.

Point of Departure | Will Evans

This month on Point of Departure, publisher Will Evans came into the studio to discuss Deep Vellum Publishing, the landscape of the Dallas literary community, and the allure of Russian culture.


photo by Chris McKnight

Point of Departure | Mag Gabbert

This month on Point of Departure, poet Mag Gabbert came into the studio to discuss her new manuscript (SEX DEPRESSION ANIMALS), her development as a poet over the years, and the relationship between form and content in poetry.

photo by Ali Kromachou

Point of Departure | Paul Feinberg

This month on Point of Departure, satirist Paul Feinberg came into the studio to discuss the nature of satire and eroticism in writing, his illustrated poetry collections, and his current project, a musical and second coming-of-age tale about an older group of retirees dealing with the challenges of life.

photo courtesy of Norry Niven

Point of Departure | Norry Niven

This month on Point of Departure, director Norry Niven came into the studio to discuss the magic of film, the art of screenwriting, and the process of filmmaking.