Spotlight Poet |
Shane Langford
An interview with writer/poet Shane Langford, the winner of the February writing contest for the open mic, Crowd Control, at Mudsmith on Lower Greenville in Dallas, Texas.
Brittany Griffiths | 1 May 2018
photo by Waffles Weekly
In an attempt to better engage the participants of Crowd Control, the open mic hosted by Wavelength once a month at Mudsmith on Lower Greenville, we decided to hold a writing contest in February. The winner of that contest was Shane Langford, an incredibly talented writer who has been coming to Crowd Control since its inception last July. We spent last Saturday with Shane over at Deep Ellum Yoga picking his brain about his creative process and thoughts on writing.
Shane explains below in his own words his introduction to writing and some of his goals for the future:
Conversion Experience:
I grew up in the church, but I left it behind for the rebel life when I realized I could never meet the performance standard put on me there. But on May 8th, 2011, I heard the message of unmerited grace. A friend had invited me to church that Sunday morning, after a night of carousing, and I joined him on the promise that we'd get breakfast after the service. I sat and sulked through the worship time, but when the pastor began to preach, I tuned in. His message was entitled: "Breaking the Labels That Bind." I had grown accustomed to wearing many shameful, self-condemning labels in light of past failures, so this meant something to me. But as he continued, his words began to transform my understanding of the Christian faith. He taught how we can find our identity in Jesus, that his redeeming blood has the power to cover over old labels, that old labels disappear and become new in Christ's power and love. I heard this message that day, and felt who I've come to know as the Holy Spirit, wash over me; I've literally never been the same.
Intent for Writing:
I intend to cultivate my skills as a writer/creative both to encourage and liberate the World. My primary passion is to write honest, image-rich prose that provokes people to long for true Hope and Redemption. I try to write authentically, in a way that helps shed light on things that often stay hidden in the darkness. I am currently working on a short story, several works of poetry, and have been brain-storming material for my first novel.
photos by Waffles Weekly
Chest of Drawers
How About That Day
Whatever It Takes
photo by Waffles Weekly
Shane Langford is a writer/poet out of Dallas. He is currently working on a short story, several works of poetry, and researching material for his first novel.
You can connect with Shane on: